This page provides a record of past remuneration determinations and review documents for reference purposes.
All determinations are available on the New Zealand Legislation website.
Local authorities size indices rankings 2019 [PDF, 13 KB]
Auckland local boards size rankings 2019 [PDF, 48 KB]
Review of community boards by the Remuneration Authority [PDF, 420 KB]
Determining the remuneration of local government elected members [PDF, 1018 KB]
The remuneration details for independent officers and boards are confidential and the Remuneration Authority does not publish their determinations.
Information on individuals appointed under the Crown Entities Act 2004 whose remuneration is set by the Remuneration Authority is included, in bands, in the relevant organisations’ annual reports.
Information on the remuneration of chief executives and other senior staff in government departments and agencies, and officers of Parliament is published, in bands, by the Public Service Commission.